Paralisi del nervo faciale della Prof.ssa Qiao Wenlei
Vertigini della Prof.ssa Qiao Wenlei
Prostatite cronica e Iperplasia prostatica della Prof.ssa Qiao Wenlei
Morbo di Parkinson della Prof.ssa Qiao Wenlei
Dolore pelvico cronico della Prof.ssa Qiao Wenlei
Dismenorrea Primaria e Secondaria della Prof.ssa Qiao Wenlei
Cistite cronica e incontinenza urinaria della Prof.ssa Qiao Wenlei
Acne della Prof.ssa Qiao Wenlei
Le patologie neurologiche del Prof. Giovanni Maciocia
Obesità e perdita di peso Prof.ssa Qiao Wenlei
La pediatria in medicina cinese: diagnosi e trattamento con agopuntura del Dott. Julian Scott
Acupuncture in migraine: from research to clinical management. Allais' Symposium speech
Acupuncture in the treatment of Gulf War illness among veterans. Schnyer's Symposium speech
Beyond efficacy: conducting and translating research for policy-makers considering acupuncture reimbursement in a small, rural US state. Davis' Symposium speech
Cost-effectiveness of acupuncture and integration into healthcare – Examples from Europe. Witt's Symposium speech
Current evidences and methodological issues of acupuncture researches. Lee's Symposium speech
Evidence-informed integration of acupuncture into cancer care. Mao's Symposium speech
Integrating acupuncture services into conventional academic and military medical centers in the United States. Coeytaux's Symposium speech
Managed care meets acupuncture research: how the concept of “maximum therapeutic benefit” and “medical necessity” applies to sham controlled clinical trials. Bauer's Symposium speech
Recommendations for the use of acupuncture in clinical practice and treatment guidelines. Birch's Symposium speech
Reward circuitry plasticity in the perception of pain following acupuncture. Prof.Thomas Lundeberg
Role of neuroimaging to assess acupuncture-induced neuroplasticity in pain relief. Napadow's Symposium speech
Self-acupressure for chronic pain and fatigue: efficacy and mechanism. Harris' Symposium speech
Towards a better understanding of why so many acupuncture trials are “negative” in contrast to results often seen in clinical practice. MacPherson's Symposium speech